"Diane Wall"
Date: 2004-09-13 18:44:30 UTC
Subject: Question on Treatment for possible Ferret Mange
To: "Ferret Digest" <>
Message-ID: <!~!>
I was reading the recent post on whether or not ferrets can get mange.
I took a peak at the info in the archives which confirms that they can
get it but didn't see anything on what was successful to treat it. I
have a ferret who is super itchy (more the front part of the body) and
he is not adrenal. He did have some ear mites which was treated with
transaderm. He acts as if he is an animal being eaten by fleas. I have
already taken him to the vets and two thorough skin scrapes were done.
There is no flea dirt, no eggs and no fleas. He typically is not a
ferret I take outside but he did have one day of playing in a playpen in
the grass and dug in the dirt. I have cleaned his ears, washed him in
ferret shampoo, later in baby shampoo, later in aveeno oatmeal baby
shampoo, he has had one intervermectin shot one week ago. All bedding
has been washed (I regularly use no dye, no perfume, no dryer sheets), I
have taken the yesterday's news litter out of his litter pan, washed and
disinfected it, and replaced with white paper towels. He is itching so
much that he has made bumps round his neck and face. I'm thinking even
though the skin scrapes came back clean, there is something crawly going
on here. Also this is his first full coat change, but he's running out
of fur. It's different from the adrenal itching as I unfortunately have
way too much experience with adrenal ferrets.
Please advise on what treatment would help in case it's some kind of
Diane W.
End of ferrethealth Digest