Date: 2004-09-17 19:47:22 UTC
Subject: Re: (ferret health) Propecia cost/question about crushers
Message-ID: <>
> You are correct, it comes out to about 25 cents per 1/8 of a tab for Propecia and >36cents per mil of Pediapred... Why do you think you are misreading
I got confused because it read to me like they were referred to as being among the expensive medications by multiple posters whereas we find them to be among the most affordable. (Of course, in a shelter situation like your's even inexpensive meds add up.) Some meds can cost a chunk to buy at first but then last a long while so the per dose cost isn't bad at all.
One of our tricks is that if a med is normally used by critters we find it to be cheaper from our vet usually, but if it is a common human med and not a common veterinary one we find it to be cheaper from a human pharmacy usually.
If it is one which bothers a ferret we usually go with compounding (because those vets know which meds can or can't be given with oils or with water, storage needs, etc. as well as being able to flavor the meds to cut bitterness. For those who don't know, there is a list of Compounding Pharmacies that work with ferret needs in the Reference Shelf within Files at
and 800 numbers are common, plus a number, including the one we use here in NJ do ship.
In the FHL Archives at
are a lot of medication tips and pointers, including which meds can NOT be safely cut due to uneven drug distribution (ones which don't have splitting lines), and a pile more for anyone who can use them.