Message Number: SG10774 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-09-20 16:57:45 UTC
Subject: Dexamethazone, Dextrose, Devil's Club and Insulnoma
Message-ID: <>

I have heard of people giving dextrose or some kind of sugar in a ferret
with advanced insulnoma in order to keep the blood glucose levels up. I have a
ferret whose BG I check at least once a day (more when it is very low and I
am trying to get it up by giving FerretVite, little bits of Karo, etc.).

This first question is about Dexamethazone. I have had to use this once to
bring my guy out of a crash from low BG and have seen it used many times in
shelter situations. Can someone explain what it is? Is it anymore than
injectable sugars?

I have also had to give subQ Ringers many times for dehydrated ferrets. I
know to buy the Ringers Solution without Dextrose, but if I bought some with
Dextrose, could this be used to help raise BG levels? If so, how much would I
use per time?

I also would like to hear of any experiences about Devil's Club Supreme.

