Message Number: SG10910 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-10-03 04:24:27 UTC
Subject: Unknown Recurring Diarrheal Disease/Issues (long)
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I have a 3.5 year old male neutered ferret that is having a recurring diarrhea and wasting since April 2003. He is being fed 8in1 Ultimate Ferret Kibble, supplemented with Bob Church's Chicken Gravy or canned kitten food mixed with turkey or chicken baby food. Only treats are ferritone and nutrical occasionally. He is housed with 2 other ferrets and neither of them are showing ANY of the following signs.

It initially started without wasting but with frank blood streaked mucous feces occasionally in April 2003. We did a fecal exam (float-neg, direct-RBC and rods&cocci, gram- gram pos. rods and cocci, few gram neg rods). We treated with clavamox 0.5ml PO BID, Metanidazole 500mg in 5ml 50% dextrose 0.2ml PO BID and pepto 1ml PO BID for 7 days. He recovered nicely. In May 2003 it started again, ran a CBC/Chem abnormals:
low hematocrit, slightly low MCV, mildly high MCHC, mildly high glucose (126), mildly high BUN (36). Tried prednisone 0.5ml SID of 15mg/5ml for 7 days. No major diarrheal episodes observed but still had occasional diarrheal feces, so discontinued the pred. Then was pretty much normal.
In March 2004, significant weight drop 1.4lb (usually 2+lb). Was being handfed baby food (turkey or chicken gerber). No vomitting, on exam had "ropey intestines". The diarrhea was just mucous and water no blood this time. Fecal was preformed again (float and direct were neg. gram showed 50-50of gram pos rods & cocci). CBC Diff showed slight polychromasia, slight anisocytosis, slight microcytosis, and slight toxic segmented neutrophils. He was diagnosed with Proliferative Bowel Disease was treated with Chloramphenicol 50mg PO BID, Benebac 1/2 gram PO BID, and Pepto 0.5ml PO BID for 7 days. He started to gain weight back in 2 days.
We then again had another episode in May and July 2004 with same treatment.
Most recent was Sept 7 2004. We decided to try treating with chloramphenicol for 21 days (along with benebac and pepto). Unfortunately, this time his appeitite didn't return and his weight continued to drop. He stopped eating about 7 days into medicating him (including the chicken gravy). While I found a new vet we syringe fed him TID at least 5 mls in a session. Upon exam, temp was normal, no dehydration, no vomitting. Radiographs were done - no abnormalities noted.
- very high ALT (SGPT) 508 (normal 10-280)
- high alkaline phosphatase 72 (normal 15-45)
Switched antibiotics
- clavamox mixed with metronidazole 0.25ml PO BID q 14 days (assume normal dosage)
- sulcrafate 0.25ml PO BID q 10 days
his apepitite returned and he started eating on his own (including his kibble). Weight went up over the period to 1lb and 14 ounces. Diarrhea resolved.
2 days post antibiotics(Thursday Sept 30), weight loss and diarrhea returned. Chem was repeated due to high values on last one. Both values returned to within normal limits.
Refilled prescription and gave dose on 10/1 diarrhea resolved.

Thank you for reading this far. I am looking for any suggestions on treatment, tests to run or potential diagnoses. I am a vet student and my vet appears to be willing to work with me on treatment. I guess my major question right now is if this fits anyones pattern of IBD? If you are curious about the total numbers of the CBC/Chems I have them plus one prior to this appeared.

Thank you
Stephanie Goettsch