Date: 2004-10-04 16:34:32 UTC
Subject: RE: Still problems urinating
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When he had his adrenal removed, did the vet look at the prostate to see if it was
cystic? That is most likely the cause of his urinary problems. Was his right gland also
infected? If so, was it removed? Hobo needs to be on propecia in case the urinary
problems is from his prostate. 1mg SID is the dosage. Is Hobo on antibiotics? That
can sometimes help with prostate infections, and allow him to urinate better. Do a
search on prostate and adrenal in the FHL. There is all kinds of good posts. I am
having very similar issues with my ferret Edgar right now, so I feel your pain and
frustration. He had his left adrenal removed in Aug. 2003. The vet didn't offer to
send out the adrenal to have it tested and I was stressed at the time and forgot to
ask, so I have no idea what type of adrenal tumor it was. I am considering having
him to have his right adrenal removed now. I also have him on Lupron 1mg 4-mon
depot and propecia 1mg SID and clavamox (antibiotic) 0.5mls BID. Hope this helps. I
will keep Hobo in my prayers.