Message Number: SG11089 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-10-20 15:58:37 UTC
Subject: RE: problems urinating
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How long ago was his surgery? Is he showing any other adrenal symptoms?

With adrenal disease the most common cause of dysuria is prostate enlargement. If his prostate is still enlarged that can cause a blockage.

If he needed surgery for a long enough while he might have developed a prostatic cyst, or there might even be cause for his prostate to still be inflammed. If you look in the past posts at
there are posts. I have had four hours sleep and that had three interruptions so be sure to also search yourself for more info to get what I am sure to miss, but these should be places to start.

Dysuria and adrenal disease can also lead to UTIs. Has the urine been cultured?

UTIs and being unable to void can lead to baldder crystals have those been checked for?

There are also past posts on UTIs and on bladder crystals and stones in the archives at the first URL mentioned.

A bad infrection or stones can cause dysuria but usually the ones who express more readily have prostate enlargement.