Message Number: SG11299 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-11-02 04:11:24 UTC
Subject: RE: please help
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Author wrote:
> I had two ferrets, Salt and Pepper, that were about 3 years old, sadly the other day
>Pepper passed away. We are not totally sure why and Salt is fine. They have always
>been together and we didn't want Salt to get lonely so we bought two new baby
>ferrets Smokey and Bandit. Salt will get along fine with Bandit who looks like
>Pepper but is really mean to Smokey who is all white. Does anyone have any ideas
>of how to help them all get along? Thanks.

The frist ferret I got was really finiky when I got my second ferret she was not
happy. And she was extremely mean to him. I made sure to bath them at the same
time and with the exact same shampoo, that way they smelled exactly the
same.Then I bleach the cage and washed all the bedding with bleach. That keeps the
older ferret from laying claim to what smells like them. She was very territorial and
with in one night they were fine. Another thing you can do if that does not work is
sepereate( in seperate the cages) them.Put the cages right next to each other leave
it that way for a couple of days then switch their bedding. That way they get used to
the smell of each other and become much more accepting.

Hope I helped
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