Message Number: SG11446 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-11-16 17:50:38 UTC
Subject: RE: i need some help with blood values
Message-ID: <>

> chemistry panel: AST=3D1.09 (=B5kat/l), Alkaline Phosphate=3D0.66 (=B5kat=
/l), Urea nitrogen=3D11,2 (mmol/l), Creatinin=3D57 (=B5mol/l), Glucose=3D3,=
4 mmol/l, Phosphorus=3D1,8 mmol/l =

ok, I've got conversions for these units.
Urea nitrogen =3D 31,3 mg/dL
Creatinin =3D 0,64 mg/dL
Glucose =3D 61,3 mg/dL
Phosphorus =3D 5,57 mg/dL

Glucose is pretty low, isn't it... And with those signs - loosing weight, e=
specialy mass of the back legs, is it insulinoma? =

What do high Lymphocytes mean? And low platelet count...
Please help... Vets here (Slovenia) aren't realy experienced with ferrets, =
so I would really appreaciate your help.

