Message Number: SG11490 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-11-19 19:16:42 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] RE: Ways to provide darkness?
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yes, I think you are right.

On line there is a pdf of an article based on one of her lectures on bringing ferrets into season (or keeping them out of it) and I think that may be in there.

There was also a melatonin study on rodents which found that light under a door reduced the melatonin naturally produced by the rodents' pineal glands, and a further study found that the green and blue portions of the lights were the worst for reducing natural melatonin production. For us that is a concern because housing is expensive here but most equipment lights are green ones and our ferrets have to share a room with computers.

Author wrote:
> I seem to recall (but may be confused as to the source) something from Dr. Judi Bell on a problem in the breeding cycle created by a light left on in the hall outside the ferrets' room and just by the light that came in under the closed door.