Message Number: SG11522 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jane Bradley
Date: 2004-11-20 18:28:21 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Ways to provide darkness?
Message-ID: <>

Our ferrets have their own room and we are very careful to only use the
light when we have to. Otherwise, they only have the natural light from
the window in that room. The blinds are never closed so they get the
full sun in the morning when it comes up. Our neighborhood has no
street lights so there is little, if any light coming in from outside at
night. We also keep blankets and sleep sacks available at all times for
them to snuggle down into.
My only complaint is that when the sun comes up, the ferrets get up! If
they didn't get caged the night before, they start playing early!!!!
Nothing like the sound of ferrets running through the plastic tubes to
get a person up and moving!
Jane in VA
