Message Number: SG11566 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2004-11-23 17:09:40 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Re: golf ball size tumor 'in throat'
Message-ID: <>

> I noted your comment about a good article about treating this in "Vet
> Clinics of North America - Dr. Antinoff; but I can't find this anywhere
> on the web! I have tried all kinds of variations to get to it, but
> can't find it.

I've found that this article is available online, but only as part of
a temporary free trial through the journal publisher Elsevier. The
trials is a little convoluted, and I suggest going slowly and paying
attention to the instructions step-by-step, but I did manage to sign
up and get the article. Anyone wishing to do so can sign up at:

Follow the instructions from the button on the left side of the screen
with the label, " FREE for 30 days. Start your trial

Once you have your trial set, you want the current issue (Sept 2004)
of Veterinary Clincs of North America. Its topic is Oncology.

Best wishes,

-Pam S.