Message Number: SG11640 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-11-30 14:02:31 UTC
Subject: RE: Ferret Question - Diarrhea, hind in weakness, Lethary, Not Eating
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I had a white, red eyed girl that was generally active and had gone to a vet only
weeks prior. She all of a sudden didn't seem to want to play much at all and would
sleep a lot. We would let them out to play and after 3-5 minutes you would find her
back in her cage sleeping which was highly unusual. We made a vet appointment
for 2 days and the next day we went in to check on her and she was gone. This was
extremely fast and she showed no symptoms prior. Even had blood work done 2
weeks prior. I am not sure what this was, but it is very upsetting that this happens
so fast as to not allow for intervention. I hope someone knows more.

In addition, I have always adopted my fuzzies from a shelter and after this one I
mentioned above crossed, I had one left so I went out and bought him a pal. He is a
4 month old sable. I never had a kit before and I was wondering if anyone has any
suggestions on getting him used to being held as well as his nipping. He doesnt nip
when you pick him up, only when he is playing he will attack your feet as you walk.
We read that if you loudly yell ouch he will learn that it hurts. Is this the right and
only way to teach him? Is picking him up a lot and trying to keep him from
sqwuirming and running the only way to get him used to being held? Also as they
run and play he likes to nip at my dogs feet. He is very tollerable and just keeps
running away, he is a 75 lb Boxer. But I am starting to feel sorry for him. Also the 2
fuzzies look like they are about to kill eachother while playing. There is no blood
and they sleep together and I am told then there is nothing to worry about. I am
just making sure. Thanks for any advice.