Message Number: SG11674 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-12-01 20:31:50 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Whooping Cough and Strep Throat
Message-ID: <>

Author wrote:
> Hi
> I am by no means any way, shape or form an expert; but I DO know that
> ferrets can catch pretty much everything we can!! When I have any type

Actually, there are a pile of illnesses we don't share, and some others that we do. For instance, when a human has a "cold" it might be a true cold -- i.e. a rhinovirus which ferrets don't get, or it might actually not be a cold and instead be a mild influenza (Ferrets get influenza A.), or more commonly a bacterial sinus infection (whcih ferrets will get and for which antibiotics are used).

Your point is a great one, though: when unsure take every precaution!