Message Number: SG11815 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-12-12 23:11:24 UTC
Subject: Re: ferret with string strangulation injury to leg
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In a message dated 12/12/04 11:04:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
How long does it take
before the vet and I will know if this leg is really going to heal or need

Anyone out there with experience with this type of injury and recovery? Pics
of healing process would be helpful too. I am very concerned and worried.
Its his right hind leg.

Poor baby. One of my own ferrets had this happen several years ago, and I
have seen others with the same type of injury. It takes quite a long time to
heal. The swelling and discoloration can be present for several days to over a
week - my own little girl had a swollen foot for about five days. Since you
have blood flow the odds of gangrene are extremely low - that's a very good
sign. I have actually not seen one of these go gangrenous as of yet, hopefully I
never will. They have all eventually returned to normal function and pretty
much normal appearance, although I did have one lose a couple of toes.

The important thing is to control pain, encourage movement and use of the
leg, and continue the compresses to encourage circulation. Gentle massage (have
your vet show you how to do it safely) is a good idea too.

Afraid I don't have pictures, though.

Dr. Ruth
Puppies kiss better than most people.