Message Number: SG11949 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukie crandall
Date: 2004-12-24 00:10:37 UTC
Subject: a possible future approach for lung inflamation
Message-id: <>


You know how on the FHL and elsewhere people keep reminding others who
have ferrets with lung problems to not buy the ionic or electrostatic
air "cleaners" which release ozone because even small amounts of ozone
can cause inflammation?

Well, it appears that inflammation can cause the production of ozone in
the body.
>a 2002 report from The Scripps Research Institute,
>by Prof. Lerner and coworkers, who reported that
>ozone could be formed endogenously in our body.
>Their results supported the possibility that ozone is
>formed in inflammatory tissues by neutrophils,
>suggesting that ozone is formed as a part of the
>body's defence against pathogens.

But sometimes inflammation gets out of hand, and it also can be caused
by non-disease processes like asthma, which some (though not many)
ferrets have been diagnosed as having.

So, work was begun to test things that can remove ozone like a
component of the oil of lemons does, leading to a report in this week's
''Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry'' by Professor Ehud Keinan, Dean
of Chemistry at Technion, and his coworkers graduate student Aaron Alt,
Dr. David Shoseyov of the Hadassah Mount Scopus University hospital,
Dr. Haim Bibi of the Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, Dr. Gail Amir
of the Hadassah University hospital and Dr. Lea Bentur of the Technion
Medical School.


This might lead to an approach not only for humans but perhaps for