Message Number: SG12036 | New FHL Archives Search
From: autumn_whispers2me
Date: 2004-12-30 18:31:53 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Ferret with ulcers and confused
Message-ID: <>

Oh okay. So if I'm feeding him every 4 hours I should give him 30-40 cc's? wrote:CC and ML are the same quantity. 30-40 ml is the
same as 30-40 cc's.

[Moderator's note: as per Mike's earlier message in

>a fair rule of thumb...80 to 90 ccs per POUND of ferret per day (emphasis mine
but words his)

So take your ferret's weight into consideration.

BTW, using the discussion mode for topics which share a subject line is a great way
to easily follow-up on the posts in a disscussion.]