Message Number: SG7246 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-01-01 20:51:54 UTC
Subject: Nexus flu update
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I called my regular vet and he was not available today, the holiday, so I took Nexus to the emergency animal hospital. I had x-rays done to confirm that he does not have pneumonia. That was a concern. The vet gave him an additional antibiotic and another drug to aid the cough/congestion and told me to keep him in the room with the humidifier. I was so worried today when he kept coughing/wheezing. He was so uncomfortable that I didn't hesitate to have my vet paged. He's a ferret specialist and it's very hard when he isn't available, because I am not comfortable with other vets in the area. Fortunately, Nexus was very good and allowed them to get the x-rays. They had mentioned something about putting him under gas and I said no to that. So, $251 later, I feel a whole lot relieved that he doesn't have pneumonia, that it is just the nasty flu. And it makes me feel terrible that he caught it from me. Next year I am definitely getting a flu shot, not that it is a guarantee.