"Lisa Oestereich"
Date: 2004-01-05 17:46:36 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] aggressive female
To: <>
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I have been through this a million times. As long as the ferrets are not
full (breeders) they will eventually all get along, even though the
screaming, bloody necks and stalking is VERY hard to tolerate. The more yo=
pull them apart, the longer the process will take. It's also not wise to
let them fight it out when one is very young. You can email me directly an=
I'd be happy to go through it with you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Angie Smith [] =
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 11:06 AM
about 2yo rescue female from pound, does not mind humans or her cage
mate <very passive male> that came with her, but will stalk and seek out
my other 2 males 2yo's and 1 female 6 mo, and pick fights, scream and
bite severely. we have had her 3 wks and there is no way we can
intagrate her into the original 3's cage. we let all of them out from
6pm until 9 w/free run in house, we have tried scruffing, hissing,
following her around <she doesnt pay attention to us being there> she
still attacks, but when we pick her up she sugars us and lays there. im
begining to think she is a one-ferret house ferret and will not change,
i have only seen her play one time in 3 wks, and she was by herself.
does anyone have any other suggestions besides separate free roam time
???? angie smith & meany shire
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