Message Number: SG7560 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2004-01-23 08:47:05 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] lumpy neck checked
Message-ID: <>

Did you ask if the sore could have caused an infection which may have caused
lymph node enlargement? Just a thought.
Dr. Sue

>Subject: [ferrethealth] lumpy neck checked
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:17:55 +0000 (GMT)
>Well, I went to my vet yesterday to have COdy checked out. She found all of
>his lymph nodes to be "enlarged" though she is not quite sure what normal
>size is, as she is not seen a lot of ferrets. In comparison to my other
>two, seemingly healthy ferrets (that don't appear to my eye to have wierd
>looking necks)they all seem the same size. I guess what she meant by
>enlarged is that they were easily found and palpatable. Is this common in
>ferrets> Note: all three of my ferrets as definately on the pudgy side,
>especially since it is winter. Anyways, she found them to be quite squishy
>and most likely fat. We decided to keep an eye on him for now, as we know
>he is otherwise healthy, has no signs of being ill (especially lymphoma). I
>will keep checking his lymphs to make sure they don't get bigger or harder.
>So, for now I just panicked. I have had a rough last few weeks, and I tend
>to get paranoid with my babies when I am depressed and/or stressed. Thanks
>for the great advice and I will keep you posted on future developments.
>Also, with the weird zit thing on the one lymph, we figured that was just a
>coincidence, as it looks just like a sore. One of my ferrets has a mast
>cell tumor, and has had them removed before, so I know what they look like,
>and I am pretty sure that is not it. Anyways, I am just going to keep an
>eye on them for now. Nothing worth getting upset over at this point in
>time. Thanks again.
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