Message Number: SG7603 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2004-01-27 22:20:47 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] what causes adrenal disease?
Message-Id: <20040127172047.116bc2f1@nyssa>

> I have heard improper lighting
> conditions could be to blame, if so, what are proper lighting conditions?

A natural day/night cycle. Since ferrets are companion animals and most people have lights on at home in the evening this is often not practical. One thing you can do is provide real (as in absolute) darkness when everyone is asleep.

Our vet believes that lighting conditions may be a contributing factor in adrenal disease, he does not believe it is a major factor. He'd cite issues we have little control over: early spaying/neutering and a small gene pool among breeders, as the most likely major culprits.

The best thing you can do to maintain your ferrets' health is feed them the highest quality diet possible, give them plenty of opportunity for exercise and play, give them real darkness at night, and have plenty of money saved up for adrenal surgery if and when it becomes necessary.

All the best,
Caity and the super seven