Message Number: SG7666 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2004-01-31 03:11:27 UTC
Subject: FW: ece
Message-ID: <>

I think this was supposed to go to the group so I am forwarding it.

>Subject: ece
>Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 02:33:46 +0000 (GMT)
>I have 17 ferrets. Most are throw away pets, and rescues. And like most,
>with uneducated owners, poor health. Mostly due to diet and poor housing.
>About 8 months ago i started watching my friends ferrets while she went on
>vacations and such. It was like once a month to 2 months apart. Then she
>got 2 babies from a pet store where the rest of the litter had died. They
>were fed guinea pig food with seeds.
>The second time she brought her ferrets, after the purchase of the babies.
>She brought pepto bismal and a syringe. I questioned her and she said it
>was because my food gave them the runs. NOT TRUE! Marshall food stinks.
>Mostly cereal.
>But anyway, my ferrets have had loose stools. Almost all of them. The
>youngest and the oldest seem the most affected, well the strange colored
>ones, like the pandas, blazes.
>I noticed birdseed poop and slime, and only once or twice the really green
>slimy color.
>My question is: If this is like a viral infection, or whatever, will it
>run its course like a cold and then quit? Can some that look perfectly
>healthy be carriers? Must they be seperated from other ferrets forever?
>Will they always be carriers? Can I get new ferrets? What medication
>works the best?
>I have a ferret that has insolomina. He gets regular check-ups. His stool
>showed no ece. Do you have to be looking for it to see it? Or would it
>show up in a regular stool sample?
>HYow do I get rid of this nasty diarrhea?
> --
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