Message Number: SG7835 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-02-08 23:51:32 UTC
Subject: helicobacter, any update since 7/01? 5 meds used by my vet
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My female 1.5 year old ferret is probably going to be treated for helicobacter SOON as I caught her chewing on fabric this morning. That was what she was doing last time also. No teeth grinding just munching on cloth. Is there any updated treatment since Dr. Williams and Dr. Jerry posted on the FhL in July 2001? I know medicine is always changing that is why I ask. My vet seems a bit overkill as he has me giving the following regime for the helicobacter, the last time she was treated.
1)Carafate every 8 hours, 20 minutes before the other meds.
2)Pepto every 4 hours
3)Flagyl every 12 hours
4) Cimetidine every 8 hours
5) Amoxicillian every 12 hours
This was for a 21 day period.

Please forgive me if I seem a little whiney. I do have to upset the ferret and take her to work with me to do this so the daytime is covered but that giving meds at 12:40 am, 1:00 am then the 5:00 am leaves me a bit unreliable to others during the day by about day 14. I want to talk to my vet about this and see if some adjustments are in order but I would like to have current input first if possible. Thnaks in bunches, Mary Jo