Message Number: SG7916 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-02-15 17:09:32 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Introducing a new ferret
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I had this same thing happen to one of our two older ferrets (Timon) when we
introduced a baby girl (Nala). Timon would not eat or drink at all. At first
I thought it might be ECE or some other illness. The more I checked into
things it became obvious that it was depression from adding Nala. I ended up
having to hand feed soup to Timon and give him fluids subQ for over a week. I
really thought he wasn't going to make it. In fact, if it was not for the help
of Jackie Hawley, whose house I went over to one night around midnight, I'm
not sure Timon would still be with us! The stress also triggered insulnoma
(which I understand can often be triggered by stress). So, now I have to give
Timon Prednisone and duck soup 2x a day. If Pollux is not eating or drinking,
make sure that he is getting food and fluids somehow!

Where did you get the baby from?

Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly.

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