Message Number: SG8123 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-04 07:06:45 UTC
Subject: RE: reactions to two shots
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For safety's sake this individual should not receive any of the shots given in the future.

The degree of medical approach depends on the degree of the reaction, which is why one will have perhaps just one med and no major scare despite having a systemic reaciton while another may have fluids, multikple meds, oxygen, etc. and need every single one of them, depending on the symptoms and the degree of reaction.

Yes, severe anaphylactic reactions can cause brain damage, but remember, too, that the individual had just been on some very strong meds and away from home so what you saw in behavioral changes may simply have been temporary and I hope that is the case.

I know that when I need epi I wind up barely able ot climb stairs but at the same time feel that I could go rock climbing and tend to want to do exactly that right then. (Remember that rock climbing is something I have never done so you can see that this repeated urge is very strange for me). I also get silly. I have known others who go into panics with the meds. The meds do have some strange temporary effects and I hope that is all that you are encountering.