Message Number: SG8245 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-15 21:11:14 UTC
Subject: RE: wheelchairs
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Look in the picture albums in
and you will find at least 2 homemade designs, and I think that a third may be in the Files section in things carried over from when we used ot be on a different host.

Look also for pantyhose sling info in

If you go with the doggone one and the ferret has a back which is at all weak DO get a front extender. We have a doggone and it is marvbelously made but some of the homemade designs seem like they could be about as useful. One of the older homemade ones involves a frame (made by gutting a small and light weight mouse cage) which is above the ferret and has a body sling and a tail sling for when tail control is gone, too.