Message Number: SG8354 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-25 03:15:56 UTC
Subject: Re:enlarged prostate/adrenal question
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Hi Melody,
When it comes to an enlarged prostate, I do
recommend aggressive treatment because this can
be a serious and even fatal problem. Therefore I
would go with a higher Lupron dose (200-500 mcg/month),
and Propecia 1mg once a day for the first 30 days then reduce
to 0.1mg once a day. Yes, melatonin may help with his
prostate problem too. The recommended dose is 1mg/kg
once a day, about 8 hours after sunrise. In the U of Wisconsin
study, oral melatonin by itself reduced the size of the prostate.
There are melatonin receptors on the prostate that help
prevent enlargement of the prostate. Remember in the U of
Wisconsin study, melatonin did lower the adrenal hormones for
the first 4 months, caused hair growth, reduced the size of the
swollen vulvas and prostates.
It also prevented the adrenal glands from getting bigger
during the 12 month study. I would call that alot more than
just growing hair. Plus melatonin is a good antioxidant.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM