Message Number: SG8388 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-26 20:06:19 UTC
Subject: Re: carbohydrates
Message-ID: <>

> In studies of insulinoma in ferrets the tumors themselves are > NOT responsive to blood glucose levels. They simply pump out > huge amounts of insulin no matter what.

The tumors are not responsive to blood glucose levels.. I suppose that would make sense.. how can tumors themselves detect glucose levels. But the pancreas triggers the release of insulin *additionally* (on top of what the tumors release) when carbohydrates (starches) are present in the system.. this would lead to quicker and further degradation on the whole system. Doesn't that make sense?

The studies you mention, they do not explain exactly why the tumors just keep pumping out insulin? - is this a constant thing? It can't be constant... or else the ferret would have to be fed non-stop.. right?