Message Number: SG8391 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-26 21:50:28 UTC
Subject: Re: carbohydrates
Message-ID: <>

Author wrote:
> If the tumors pump out enough insulin to lower the blood sugar then I suspect that there would be no reason for the healthy cells to respond specifically because the sugar levels would have been already reduced, so no reponse. It's been a long time since I took physio so I might be misrecalling the sequences involved, but this is what i suspect.

The tumors pump out insulin.. but we don't know to what degree. I imagine that it depends on the severity of the tumors (to what degree they have advanced) - the more advanced the tumors are, the more insulin they pump on a *constant*? basis? Though if they are not that far advanced, and thus not pump out a large amount of insulin, still I think that once you introduce a carbohydrate into the system (especially starch), more insulin will be produced. Therefore, I think you are taking a risk when you continue feeding insulinomic ferrets carbohydrates because you do not know to what degree the tumors are releasing insulin. :(