Message Number: SG8412 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Andrea
Date: 2004-03-30 16:54:06 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: extremely tired ferret
Message-ID: <>

I guess what I'm asking is this what happens to them when the Lupron injections are no longer working? My boy Tracker that we just lost last week was on Lupron injections also (he had numerous tumors on his liver and our Vet advised against the surgery), so I was doing what I thought was the best for him... just just passed away a week ago today (3/23), and about 2 weeks prior to that, he was the same exact way as my girl Brandy, extremely tired, he would come out of his cage to play and just look for a spot to curl up in.

Thanks for the help! wrote:
Author wrote:
> just lost her playmate, my boy, almost a week ago.

I think this is a big factor but definitely see your vet and get her checked out.