Message Number: SG8660 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-05-03 03:54:14 UTC
Subject: New here
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I just got Sandy (about a year old) from my cousin who had to move across country and couldn't keep her. I have noticed since she got home that she seems kinda sleepy and he keeps coughing up some clear bubbly mucus. She also seems very tired and seems to be having trouble with her hind legs. I have never owned a ferret before and not sure what is "normal".
When I got home I cleaned out her cage and when I put her back, she didn't seem to want to move to the lower part where her bed is, she just kinda stood there and went to sleep standing up. I'm not sure if she is just a little out of it due to the 1/2 hour drive to her new house or the new surroundings, but can any one help me out there?