Message Number: SG8712 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-05-08 14:40:13 UTC
Subject: RE: IBD questions and frustrations
Message-ID: <>

Hello again,

I was pretty upset yesterday after two days of not being able to stop the vomiting
and wasn't clear about my questions in my message. I'd like to clarify and update
some of the things I've written.

First, I reported the prednisone dosage incorrectly. The prescribed dosage is 0.5
mg twice daily, not 1 mg twice daily. Second, my frustrations were related to the
vomiting. The Reglan has helped stop the vomiting and I've been able to get some
duck soup into him so I don't feel quite so helpless this morning. The soup for him
I've made mainly consists of duck-based grain-free canned cat diet pureed with
water and vitamin supplement.

My question is whether I should go against the strict instructions of the vet to
continue to allow him access to the kibbled diet. I had a lengthy discussion with
him about this and he is not convinced that a completely soft diet is the way to go.
I am especially concerned because this I believe that the IVD kibble is not nutritious
enough for him. I work at home and am able to feed him in regular intervals, so
multiple feedings would not be an issue. I have an appointment later this morning
with another vet for a second opinion but was hoping some of you might have some

My apologies for yesterday afternoon's less than complete post.


[Moderator's Note: a vet who has hands-on experience with a specific
individual is always the PRIMARY source for treatment information. If there is a
question about the vet knowing ferrets in general then it is possible to either get a
second opinion so there are two hands-on opinions, or to bring copies of past posts
and write-ups at vets sites or in vet texts to discuss with the treating vet.]