Message Number: SG8727 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-05-10 15:01:56 UTC
Subject: *Lab results, please interpretation needed*
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Hi everybody, =

After our Raja passed away, we decided to make a check up in our old lady P=
ikku. She was born on 20/07/97 and is totally fit. Plays (non stop) for 2 h=
ours (at least twice a day, eat well, urinates and defecates well, but we a=
re worried about the blood work.

We made the test in Brazil , where I was living with my family, but now my =
husband was transfered back to work in Switzerland and we haven't found a v=
et yet to bring her.But As I got the lab results one day before we moved to=
Switzerland I did not have the chance to show to her vet in BRazil and I d=
o not know to interprete the numbers. Can some vet help me ? I would be tha=
nkful !!!

Here it is. if it's difficult to understand pls. let me know, i try to put =
it on line or attach as a word file.

Sangue / Blood 20.04.04
(Eritrocitos) 10,03 milhoes/mm3
(Hemacias) RBC ?
(Hematocrito) (PCV/HCT) 48%
(Hemoglobina) hemoglobin 14,3 g/dl
(VCM) MCV 74,86 u3
(HCM) MCH 14,26 pg
(CHCM) MCHC 29,79 g/dl
(Proteina total) total protein 7,0
OBS Discreta Anisocitose e Policromasia

(Leucocitos totais) WBC 6,00 mil/mm3
(Metamielocitos) 00%
(Bastonetes) 00%
(Segmentados) 77%
(Eosinofilos) eosinophils 06%
(Basofilos) basophils 00%
(linfocitos tipicos) 16%
(linfocitos atipico) 00%
(monocitos) monocytes 01%

Glicemia / Glucose (4 horas jejum / 4 hours fasting) Pikku
20.04.2004 93.60 mg/dl

Urina/ Urine Pikku
Metodo de obten=E7ao / method Recebida/received
Aspecto / aspect Ligeiramente turva
Cor / color amarelo citrino / citrine yellow
Odor / smell sui generis
Densidade /density 1,036
Ph 6,0
Bilirrubinas ausentes /none
Proteinas / Protein 30%
Urobilinogenio normal
Glicose / Glucose Ausente/none
Sangue oculto / Hidden Blood 1(+)
Corpos cetonicos Ausentes / none
Nitritos Positivo/positive
Hemacias 1-2
Leucocitos Menos de 1 /less than 1
Cilindros Ausentes/none
Cristais / Crystal Ausentes/none
Celulas escamativas Algumas pavimentosas e raras de transicao / some pavim=
entes and rares transition
Outros elementos / Others Presenca de diversos leveduras e raras bacteria=
s (bastonetes)/ Presence of several fungos and rare bacterias (bastonetes)

(Ureia) Urea 51,70 mg/dl
Creatinine 1.2 mg/dl
ALT 72.90 u.i./l
(ALP) alkaline phosphatase 27.56 u.i./l

