Message Number: SG8749 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2004-05-11 23:55:03 UTC
Subject: old female - possible hydronephrosis
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I am posting this for a friend who is not subscribed. I will forward
replies to me or to the list. Treatment/diagnostic ideas? I'm thinking
an abdominal ultrasound would be a good idea... Thanks for any help!

-Pam S.

~ 10 yo female ferret.
Surgery for LF adrenal and stump pyometra on 3/15/04.
Recovery successful.
Starting gaining excessive wt - so I took her to the vet on Tues 5/11/04.
Urine blockage.
She goes back to the vet on Thurs. 5/13/04

Handwritten note from the vet for you to review (I transcribed as best
as possible):

Presented with distended vulva.
Has had left adrenalectomy and stump pyrometra on 3/15/04.
On palpation 5/11/04, large fluid mass in abdomen. Needle aspirate -
removal about 60 cc of dark yellow urine. After removing urine, still
palpable fluid mass on right side of abdomen. Needle aspirate of 35 cc
of clear fluid. Suspect hydronephrosis at rt ? due to partial
occlurium and vaginal opening urethra due to swollen vulva from adrenal
tumor of rt adrenal.