Message Number: SG8851 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Liz Lucas"
Date: 2004-05-19 18:11:36 UTC
Subject: Fatty kidney, still not eating well
To: "Ferret Health Group" <>
Message-ID: <>

My recently rescued ferret, Romeo, who I've had for about 3 months now (a MF
ferret, 2-3 yrs old, no medical history available from previous owner) was retching,
had brown/yellow diarrhea, and an elevated temp of 102.8. He was put on
amoxicillan, carafate, and flagyl and has now been off medication for about 3
weeks. A blood test and fecal exam were also done, both came back fine. He is now
very active, and has no diarrhea, no retching, no fever, and he is well hydrated, but
he STILL won't eat or drink on his own. I know he may be spoiled from getting gruel
for quite some time now, but he has no appetite at all, and really doesn't like me
having to hold him in my lap, so he will sit still long enough to eat. I've tried adding
a/d to make it more appealing, but it's not working.
At one visit the vet felt that his kidney was enlarged, so he took an x-ray and
nothing abnormal was found. The vet feels it is adipose tissue around his kidney.
Is there anything that can be done for this? Could it in any way be causing him to
have no appetite? What would cause a fatty kidney?

[Moderator's Note: the normal temperature of ferrets is higher than for humans and
102 or near that is within normal range and not a fever.]