Message Number: SG9132 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-06-12 17:22:35 UTC
Subject: 30 days baby ferrets fell from 1 meter high cage!! Please advice needed!
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Hi everybody,

I was visiting today the breeder of our new ferret here in Switzerland and an accident happen.

While puting the ferrets back to their sleeping box, 2 of them just ran away and fell from the cage that is about 1 meter high.

both were for seconds without movements and one of them had a bleeding nose.

This happens 3 hours ago and now their are eating and playing with each other.

I would like to know if there is some danger for the little ones due to the fall.

Would be thankful for any help !


Paty, Pikku, Raja (in memorian ) and future *Biscuit* !