Message Number: SG9200 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Angie George
Date: 2004-06-18 02:20:27 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Hole in roof of mouth---Help!
Message-ID: <>

He is going to the vet's tomorrow. Nacho never ever even plays with toys. He's a
strange little guy. We adopted him almost three years ago and he'd never been
around another ferret and he doesn't want anything at all to do with our other
ferrets. He prefers to be held and if not, he wants simply to be in the bathroom
closet which is fixed up with a bed for him and his favorite blanket and cubby. If he
ever gets excited enough to do a little dance (which is very seldom), he freaks out
and stops as if he's done something wrong.
Thanks for the info.