Message Number: SG9243 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Inge Kokidko"
Date: 2004-06-20 06:39:53 UTC
Subject: prolonged ECE?
To: <>
Message-ID: <003b01c45691$652e5b40$4a4dfea9@ingekokidko>

I believe I posted this to the group before, but didn't get to many replies=
, and wanted to try it just one more time.

I've read some conflicting information on ECE and immunity. My ferrets hav=
e had wierd poop for about 6 mos now, and it was diagnosed as ECE. Sometim=
es it is bright green, but the great majority of the time it is perhaps jus=
t a bit grainy, and not well formed. Their activity level is quite high, a=
nd they seem like perfectly healthy and normal ferrets otherwise.

Some information I've read says that ferrets are immune to ECE after they g=
et it once, and other sources say that it can be passed back and forth. I'=
m very concerned that their abnormal pooping has continued this long, and I=
want to try to treat it more aggressively. Does anyone have any informati=
on on how well ferrets can form immunity to this, if at all?

I appreciate any input!