Teresa Knezek
Date: 2004-06-21 03:35:09 UTC
Subject: metronidazole? - update
Message-Id: <>
I'd just like to update everyone on my little girl with the apparent
helicobacter ulcers who was vomiting her metronidazole. I got a bunch
of replies off-list, and one woman mentioned that she'd successfully
given flagyl to one of her ferrets by mixing it with chicken gravy...
I was pretty skeptical (if cod liver oil can't hide the taste, can
anything? ;-) but I decided to give it a shot before going back to
the vet for different medication. I made a batch of gravy with tuna
and extra CLO in it (to give it a stronger taste), and mixed her
antibiotics with two tablespoons of the gravy. I added extra water so
it would be easier for her to lap it up (she wasn't eating the solid
chunks of the gravy at the time)...
She is now at the end of week three of the antibiotics, and she is
back up to her normal summer weight. She takes the 'drugged' soup
twice a day (once with both antibiotics, once with only amoxi) and
give me no problem whatsoever. She's acting perfectly normal except
for a little slight tooth-grinding when she eats (but even that is
getting much better). No more fights about the medication, and she's
even started eating regular food out of their communal bowl again.
I don't remember the name of the person who suggested that, but I'd
like to give her my little girl's thanks, and my blessings for her
advice. Hopefully, if anyone else is stuck giving
flagyl/metronidazole to one of their kids, this trick will work for
them as well. :-)
:: Teresa Knezek ::