Message Number: SG9316 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-06-29 05:56:05 UTC
Subject: Re: looks like bladder stones: need to pick brains
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Thanks for your helpful notes!

I tried mixing cranberry juice -- a decent bit of it, really -- with a/d and Nutrical and adding warmed water to make a soup and Mornie loves it. She drinks it on her own but she really pigs out if she is waited upon.

I thought that others may find it useful at some time to know that cranberry juice can be made palatable -- in her case actually desired -- this way.

So, using one of our personal favorite very-sick-ferret or ferret-who-needs-lots-of-fluids feeding technique (holding the ferret over a sink and offering the food using this item which we love:
we've gotten over 100 ml of "soups" into her tonight in three batches and I am sure I'll be able to get more into her before I hit the sack at something like 3 a.m. She has also been drinking on her own and has bottled water on demand in both hanging bottle and bowl and she's already had a decent bit of that, too. I suspect around 20 cc since we arrived home this evening. Mornie has always been very active, very happy to eat and very happy to drink.

We were going to sub-cu her tonight, too, but Steve really crashed and I simply don't have the heart to wake him (though I would if she wasn't drinking so much on her own); he's been through enough and needs a rest. We'll do that tomorrow, though.