Message Number: SG9341 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Teresa Knezek
Date: 2004-06-30 21:07:28 UTC
Subject: Re: supplementing diet?
Message-Id: <a05111b02bd08d91bf972@[]>

At 2:22 AM +0000 6/30/04, wrote:
>My little girl, Sonic, is not doing well on Marshall's Ferret Diet.

For regular diet, I feed my girls a mix of's
Superior Choice Natural kibble, Path Valley Farms kibble and 8in1
Ultimate, mixed with some crumbled 'Feline Minis Pet Patties'
(freeze-dried chicken patties) they sell on I sprinkle
a mix of Nupro powder (from and crushed
freeze-dried liver cubes (from on top of it all, and
mix it up.

For extra treats, you could get chicken giblets and liver at the
store, and see if she likes that (mine don't), or pretty much any
all-meat stuff... I mix canned tuna, the freeze-dried chicken
patties, Nupro/liver power, ferretone, cod liver oil and a raw egg
(shell and all), with some water added, and blend it into a paste. I
also get a mix of the meat "Jerkee" treats from and
break them into little treat-bite sized chunks, and the girls come
begging for them all the time when they're out to play...

If you're up for putting an entire chicken through a meat grinder
(bones and all), look up a recipe for "Bob C's Chicken Gravy." It's
designed to be a fully balanced diet by itself, and mine love it when
I make it up for them.
:: Teresa ::

"A man is known by the company he keeps, and also
by the company from which he is kept out."
--Grover Cleveland