Message Number: SG9395 | New FHL Archives Search
From: ""
Date: 2004-07-04 03:41:42 UTC
Subject: pseudomonas nasal infection update
Message-Id: <>

I posted last week asking if anyone had any advice with treating a ferret who has
nasal discharge, cultured as pseudomonas and also lack of appetite and lethargy.
He was also diabetic and about 3 years old.
I am thankful for the advice I got.
I did make an appointment with another vet who had the scope small enough to
scope the nose.
Unfortunately, it was at least a week to get into the specialist and it would not have
mattered anyhow. Jeckyl kept getting weaker and weaker and out of energy with
only a few steps despite normal blood sugars, 40-50cc daily of syringe feedings,
meds and sub Q's.
I finally knew it was time to give up, he was so uncomfortable and after several vet
visits, normal blood work and x-rays there was no diagnosis- therefore not much
hope for a recovery.

On necropsy he was basically "riddled" with tumors. The spleen, kidneys and lungs
were most involved. He even had a small part of his intestine that was leaking into
the abdominal cavity.

Unbelievable how well he hid his discomfort, and amazing how long he held on. He
was not wimpering or acting in pain, just very tired and not able to breath
comfortable due to blocked nasal airway and lung involvment. He actually had
normal stools the night before I brought him back to the vet, and ate some chicken
gravy that am. In December, he had adrenalectomy and biopsy of an abnormal
lymph node which just showed severe lymphoid hyperplasia which was suspicious
but not cancerous.

I am awaiting final pathology results to see what type of cancer he had.

Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and I just wanted to give the update.

