Message Number: SG9490 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Andrea
Date: 2004-07-08 17:45:47 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] cystine bladder stones (protein)
Message-ID: <>

So, that would mean that the "Natural Gold" food (50%) protein is not good for

[Sukie Note: honestly, I do not know how much is too much protein or how much
individuals may differ in how much protein they can handle. My feeling at this point
is that perhaps no one does yet and this is a refinement that will be learned after
more ferrets thrive or fail on higher protein levels than had been used before.
There's bound to be a point at which there is too much protein taken in, but where
it is remains an unknown at this point. All I can say is that there IS such as thing as
too much protein. We learned that the hard way.]