Message Number: SG9565 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-07-14 02:17:56 UTC
Subject: RE: Boney growth
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I know very little about these, but did know where I had seen pictures and heard about them, so hope that helps.

It only works in Explorer but if you can, try to see the head tumor pictures at

For Osteoma it says "Benign tumors of flat bones" and "Complete surgical excision curative"

For Squamous Cell Carcinomas it says: "Most commonly seen in skin, but may arise from oral epithelium", "Predilection to invade jaw bones", "Radical surgical excision is only documented cure". and "Low metastatic potential, but massive tissue destruction"

Later there are soft tissue tumors in that presentation with pictures of tow types in heads.
Spindle Cell Tumors "Usually arise from smooth muscle" "Locally aggressive, slow to metastasize",
and "Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors "Difficult to excise, usually recur"

I know that some of these types have been discussed in the past, so


should be of help to you, too.

End of ferrethealth Digest