Message Number: SG9620 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-07-18 16:34:20 UTC
Subject: question needing help please
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I have posted several times ovet the last couple of weeks concerning Sidney
my ferret. She was thought to have a possible ulcer or blockage.
She went to the vet Wed. July 14th. They did an exray to check for a
blockage, and there was none. They ran every kind of blood test on her you could think
of. All came up in normal limits. No Adrenal either. The vet determined
gastroenteritis. She is now on pet tenic, Flaygl, Raglen, all compounded together
amount of .2cc every 12 hours. Carafate qid .5cc, and he has her a liquid diet
of clinicare. She is still not eating any kibble that I have seen. Her poo is
now normal and a good amount. She is still lacking in energy, she will come
out for about 20 minutes and is ready to take a nap.
Her weight was 1.5lbs, she had lost 2oz in one week. Her weight range should
be around 2lbs. I am getting worried because she is still eating her kibble,
and the energy level is not coming back up. Does anyone have any suggestions on
what I should do? She will be off her meds on July 22nd, thats not far away,
Shouldnt she be doing better by now. I am going to start today rotating the
duck soup and the clinicare. Am I just be a worry wart or should she be doing