Message Number: SG9742 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-07-29 20:03:13 UTC
Subject: RE: Carafate Questions
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Do NOT give Carafate with food if you need optimal effect.

That said, there has been a past post from an FHL member who gave it with a tiny bit of food can got enough of an effect for her ferret. That may not be the case for your's though.

Carafate caplets have capillaries which draw water, so for normal human useage about 15 minutes before a meal the caplet is places in about 1/4 cup of water around 20 minutes before the meal and left there for about 5 minutes to "bloom". It sits for a while and then it begine to sort of unfold before it collapses, then the mixture is swirled and swallowed.

The absolute easiest way to get Carafate into a ferret is to use the prescription liquid preparation which any pharmacy and some vet hospitals have. Most of them don't mind the taste and if you hold them and calm them afterward they suddenly realize within seconds that the pain is reduced. After a few times like that they realize that it helps and then object less. Few meds give such a rapid positive response.

If you hold the syringe between your fingers and your palm and use your thumb to control the plunger part you will have better control. It looks awkward but it is anything but even with small hands like mine. Be care never to jam the syringe into the roof of the mouth or the gums. Take slow deep breaths to keep yourself calm because if you aren't the ferret will pick up on that and will react accordingly. Some people do best with scruffing, some do best with a head hold, some do best with the body held between the ribs and elbow. Depends on the ferret, the person's hand size, etc.

Have your vet or a vet tech at the hospital show you techniques for giving meds and then practice them there. You can even get extra syringes (since oil ruins syringes) and practise them with treats like Ferretone.

I'm not a vet, but that doesn't matter in this situation.

There is a lot on Carafate/Sulfracate in the FHL Archives at

There is an excellent article by Dr. Deborah Kemmerer Cottrell on ways to give medications in a recent past issue of "Ferrets" so check store racks for past issues and if they don't have it you can ask how to buy that back issue at Fancy Publications by getting their address from a current issue or from their website.