Message Number: SG12195 | New FHL Archives Search
From: autumn_whispers2me
Date: 2005-01-06 19:51:26 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Ear mites
Message-ID: <>

this isn't from a store, but from the vet, but our vet
told us to use Revolution for cats. Depending on the
size of the ferret you usually get dosages for several
out of one little vial. What we were told to do via
the vet is to add the weight of all the ferrets
combined then buy the vials accordingly and divide
between them. Our Pixie is about 1.5 lbs and she gets
like 2-3 drops, whereas Boo-Boo who's 3.8 (as well as
Tocho at 3.8) gets a little more.

No visit is required for the Revolution as long as
your pets have been seen there, or so it works that
way with us. Believe it or not, though, the
Revolution got rid of our kid's mites, though it took
a little while. Our vet said she preferred the
Revolution since it gets rid of fleas, mites, and is a
heartworm preventative, and it's not as toxic as the
drops that go in the ears.

Be sure to check with the vet, however, for correct
dosage/how many drops your fuzzies get by weight.

Hope this helps. It sure helped our little guys!

Buffy wrote:
> Is there anything I can use from home or the store
> to treat ear mites?