Date: 2005-01-09 15:39:51 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Boo-Boo
Message-ID: <>
I have to agree with Patty. I'd have his blood glucose checked again just to confirm, and definately have a urine glucose, and urine specific gravity test done as well. You might want to ask for a copy of the results to keep on file.
The reason I listed symptoms for CRF yesterday is because your vet mentioned this as a possibility and not because I believe this is an issue. I just wanted to give you more info on it. I'm not a vet and I haven't seen Boo Boo myself to even be able to guess what could be going on. All I can do is give you information about things that are being tossed at you. And to answer your question - the research I've done does not mention anything about CRF causing elevated glucose levels.
As for his lymph nodes being enlarged - which ones? Lymphoma cannot be "cured" with antibiotics. But I'm not going to delve on this subject any further to avoid confusion on your end. Slightly to moderately elevated WBC and enlarged glands combined could be an indication of infection. You mentioned he was on antibiotics for a few weeks and the glands decreased in size. I don't know that I'd worry too much at this point about it. He could have very simply developed fat pads from such rapid weight gain. One of my girls (very big kid) has fat pads that most thought was lymphoma. If he's still eating and drinking on his own, no major changes in his activity level, and hasn't started losing weight might want to spend your time researching the archives for diabetes info just in case that's what Boo Boo has.
Author wrote:
> Thank you. I'm trying hard to stay together on this. How would I check the roof of
> his mouth? The reason I ask is that he's not much of a yawner when scruffed. Is
> there another way?
> I don't detect any hind-leg weakness (would it be fairly evident?), and I've not
> noticed a fowl odor of the breath. He gives me lip and nose lickies after eating and
> just for the heck of it and I've not detected any bad odor.
> Does CRF raise the blood sugar?