Message Number: SG12518 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Yoehle@AOL.Com
Date: 2005-01-22 23:45:35 UTC
Subject: Mystery Infection
Message-ID: <>

I am brand new to the board and am here to get some opinions on a problem m=
y 2/3 yo male sable. Shadow was taken to the vet after 2 days of increasin=
g lethargy. Upon exam vet feels mass in abdomen, xray reveals something in=
liver/spleen area, ultrasound reveals enlarged spleen, enlarged rt. adrena=
l gland, and small cyst in kidney - nothing cancerous. Vet administered a =
steroid injection and said to call in AM if not better. In AM Shadow is al=
most completely unresponsive and was taken back to vet. Upon examination t=
wo swellings on either side of neck were found that were not there the day =
before. Vet aspirates both and finds bloody-pus fluid. Looks at a slide o=
f the fluid and finds no cancer cells but nothing he has seen before, conta=
cts specialist and he says possibly viral infection. Vet keeps Shadow over=
night and gives sub-q fluids(Normosol) and sub-q Baytril 10%. Shadow also =
had a fever of 105. This AM his temp is normal and one of the swellings is=
almost gone but the other is still severely swollen. Fluid was sent to la=
b for C & S, due back mid-week. Has anyone experienced anything like this =
or heard of someone else experiencing this? If Shadow is not better by Mon=
day, will probably have him put to sleep. He is still completely lethargic=
, force feeding with S.D. AD (which he laps right up)and taking water well =
too. Is it possible for one that seems so sick to me to recover from somet=
hing like this. Please respond - I'm desparate! Thank you in advance - Lo=
ri =

