Message Number: SG12849 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-02-20 19:06:42 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] meds in microwave
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I would suspect that it might vary among meds.

Many meds can not be safely heated beyond certain temperatures (It is easy to Google on the medications' names and words like heat and cold.) and some even need to be refrigerated due to that consideration, and, as you know microwave ovens do not heat evenly. Some materials heat much faster and much hotter than others. I could see where hypothetically you could wind up altering meds that heat too much in microwave ovens -- perhaps converting them to useless forms or perhaps converting them to dangerous ones.

If you can't find the answer in searching the specific meds the person to ask, of course, is the specialist: your pharmacist and then let the rest of us know what you are told. There are also some wonderful books on prescription drugs and also OTCs (from the human stand-point, not the veterinary one) that can be bought from little money from pharmacies and which tend to have a lot of info on which meds need protection from light, protection from heat, etc.