Message Number: SG13139 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2005-03-17 04:12:01 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Enlarged spleen - complicated, need input
Message-ID: <BAY104-F391F25D1DD51615404C2A8DC490@phx.gbl>


Based on the condition of your kid he may not be a great surgical candiate
and your vet shoud be willing to try something different. Is he on meds for
his asthma? I have seen severe infections including heliobactor infections
cause splenomegaly. I treated with amoxi and Biaxin long term and pred for
some of the benefits of suppresing an overactive immune response that could
also cause it. It is reasonable to try something more conservative since if
he is already having trouble breathing it will be even harder under
anethesia and I share your concerns. I would have started some form of
antibiotic almost immediately on your kid. Anyway there is an article
online not sure where by Dr. Williams on Splenomegaly and heliobactor that
if you can find you can show your vet too maybe it will help. All the best
and best of luck too.
Dr. Sue

>Subject: [ferrethealth] Enlarged spleen - complicated, need input
>Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 00:10:49 +0000 (GMT)
>Hi everyone.
>My 4 1/2 year old was taken to the vet this evening because I noticed her
>spleen has gotten significantly larger over the last 3 months. It started
>shortly after she tore a ligament in her leg, which ended up healing
>quickly. My vet rates spleen sizes from 1-3, with 3 being the largest.
>Tootsie's a 3. She's going in for bloodwork and xrays tomorrow morning,
>but here's where it get's complicated.
>She's asthmatic and it's now taking up enough space where it's impacting
>her breathing and mobility (ie: no longer even attempts to jump up on
>anything). I'm extremely concerned about her being under an anesthetic to
>have the spleen removed because of her asthma, but I also realise the
>spleen needs to be dealt with. I've asked my vet if a major infection of
>some kind could cause this, and although he didn't dismiss it entirely, he
>highly doubts it.
>So once the bloodwork results are back, are there any values I should be
>focusing on that would be indicative of a mass infection? Should I push
>for a round of heavy duty antibiotics before making a decision on surgery?
>Her breathing has become a bit laboured over the last week, so it's
>definitely not something I can "sit" on. Any other suggestions? I'd like
>to avoid surgery if at all possible. It terrifies me to think about how
>much higher the risk of complication is from the asthma alone. I will be
>searching the archives to figure out what the long term effects are of
>having the spleen removed, but if anyone wants to jump in with their
>experiences in the meantime - it would be most appreciated!
>Thanks in advance.
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